Sunday, February 26, 2012

Macguyver Results @ 3 Months

Left eye:
10pt: 93.1% (previous best: 80%)
12pt: 90.6% (previous best: 100%)

Nice to see things improving, though I think the variability from test to test may exceed the size of these improvements.

Right eye:
10pt: 88% (previous best: 97%)
12pt: 100% (previous best: 100%)

Not bad, although that might be a bit of pullback in the 10pt category.

Friday, February 17, 2012

3-month checkup

Everything is fine.

20/20 in left eye (which, to be honest, it was before. The last doctor gave me a gimme in saying it was 20/15)
20/15 in right.
20/15 combined.

The doctor pointed out to a student that tagged along for the checkup that my right eye looks like nothing has even been done to it.

Apparently my night-time halos are expected to go away over the next 3-9 months, which is nice.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Haven't posted in forever

Pretty much nothing to update.

About once a week I have a dry-eye incident overnight where I rub my eyes, and the eyelid uncomfortably brushes against the surface of the eyeball.

My starbursts/halos appear to be slowly getting better, but they're not really that bad and never were incapacitating. At 6:30pm last night when I went running there weren't any, but there were when I drove my car at about 8pm. It's only when I'm in deep darkness that my pupil dilates enough for them to appear.

4 days until the end of the revised eyedrop schedule.

Vision seems to be about the same as my last check, maybe even a little worse. I'll have to macguyver it up some morning to confirm/deny that feeling.